Community Hubs are being established through a National program that links families and their preschool children to local services and support, learning opportunities and the wider community. The Community Hubs are funded by the Australian Government in partnership with the Scanlon Foundation, the Migration Council Australia and Refuge of Hope. There are hubs across Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales.
The Community Hub at Westmead Public School was established in February 2014 to work in partnership with families of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds especially women and their children aged between 0-4 years old.
At Westmead Public School, our Community Hubis an open, friendly and safe spacethat brings local information and services spanning education, health, employment, professional and personal development community, early childhood, parenting and settlement.
Community Partnerships/ Sponsors
- Australian Government
- Scanlon Foundation
- Refuge of Hope
- Migration Council Australia
- Hume City Council, Victoria
- Community Hub Leaders and Manager
- Parramatta City Council
- Holroyd City Council
- Australian Museum
- Information & Cultural Exchange
- Granville Multicultural Community Centre
- Multicultural Health – Cumberland Hospital
- TAFE NSW – South Western Sydney Institute
- Community Migrant Resource Centre
- Royal Life Saving Australia
- Wenty Leagues Club
- Sydney University
- Australian College of Applied Psychology
- Navitas College
- Amnesty International
- Westmead Public School
- P&C
- Roads & Maritime Services
- Local artists and musicians and more!
We are continuously working alongside stakeholders including community service providers, businesses, Westmead Public School and families to foster a quality Community Hub program for families.
Benefits of joining the Community Hub
Being part of a Hub can help families create friendships and support networks and give a sense of belonging. It can also give some parents an opportunity to gain local work experience through volunteering opportunities at the hub. Parents can also develop knowledge about the local services available in the area and who to go to for a particular issue. For many preschool children, being a part of a Hub can help them to feel at home in the school environment and may become more prepared before they start school.
Activities and Events
The programs are tailored to suit the needs of the community via community consultation and feedback and ongoing evaluation of the programs. This approach enables families to influence and shape the work of the Hub.
Some of the activities include, but are not limited to:
- Yoga & Reiki Meditation classes
- Zumba dance fitness classes
- Health and Wellbeing workshops eg. Zumba, Yoga & Reiki Meditation, Swimming
- Playgroup
- Parenting and Family Support programs eg. Positive Parenting Program, New Healthy Women, Raising Children in a New Country program etc
- Volunteering opportunities
- Gardening
- Information Sessions eg. Road Safety, Child Protection, Consumer Rights
- First Aid Course
- Linking to settlement services and specialist services, e.g. GPs, child and family health nurses, speech pathologists and occupational therapists, migrant resource centres
- Training and Education courses, e.g. English and computer classes and tertiary education courses
- Special interest activities, e.g. Photography, Graphic Design, cooking, sewing, art
- Social get-togethers, special community events and other fun social events, e.g. Harmony Day, International Women's Day, White Ribbon Day, Mental Health month, Book Week, Community Expo, morning teas and more!