Westmead Public School

Celebrating Excellence in Learning

Telephone02 9635 7793


Year 1

Year 1 Information

Strong Minds

This year teachers continue to include the Strong Minds wellbeing program across all learning areas. It is a whole school approach that is fully researched and evidence based to support improvements in wellbeing. Further to this, it complements our schools existing expectations with Positive Behaviours for Learning through a shared language for staff, students and families.

Strong Minds is based on Positive Psychology strategies that strengthen individual wellbeing and learning. This supports our whole school community in further developing our school culture of inclusiveness and resilience.


Speaking and Listening: Students participate in activities to develop skills in clarifying and communicating their ideas, explore issues, solve problems and develop understandings in all Key Learning Areas.

Reading and Viewing: Students will develop skills and strategies to decode and understand information through modelled, guided and independent tasks. They will be exposed to a range of materials, including printed, visual and digital. Daily reading at home is important for students to consolidate skills learned at school.

Writing and Representing: Students develop handwriting, spelling, grammar and punctuation through modelled, guided and independent writing experiences. Throughout the year, students will learn to create imaginative, informative and persuasive texts.


Students will actively participate in investigative lessons where they will build their knowledge and skills in Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability

Students are explicitly taught to apply problem-solving skills by using concrete materials, collaborative communication and through drawing or writing to describe a method used to obtain an answer. Learning experiences may be whole class, small group or individual.


In Semester 1, students will develop skills and knowledge in Geography through the unit Features of Places. Students will learn to describe features of places and the connections people have with places. They will learn to communicate information and use geographical tools for inquiry.


In Semester 1, students will develop skills and knowledge in Science through the unit Living World. Students will learn to describe observable features of living things and their environments. Students will investigate how plants and animals are used for food and fibre products. 


Once a week, students will be learning about healthy living and fundamental movement skills with their RFF teacher.  On Thursday, Year 1 will have grade sport. Students can wear their sports uniform and sports shoes. They will participate in activities to strengthen gross motor and co-ordination skills. Sport activities are designed to support students in developing and maintaining resilience, a growth mindset, core values and positive relationships

Creative Arts

Through integrated learning tasks as well as explicit teaching, students will develop a range of skills in Visual Arts, Drama, Dance and Music

Many of the activities are linked to concepts and content explored in other learning areas. 


Homework is sent to families via the Seesaw app on Monday and collected on Friday.

It is created for students to complete with minimal supervision and help. 

Daily reading with an adult is strongly encouraged.


All Year 1 classes will have a fortnightly lesson in the K-2 Library. This will include time for borrowing and returning books. 

Your child will bring home a note with the day and week they visit the library, as well as other library related information. 

Please ensure students have a suitable bag for borrowing (preferably a waterproof bag) with their name clearly labelled. 

Lessons over the term will focus on:

·       Library rules and procedures;

-       Cybersafety and Digital Citizenship introduction, including responsible internet usage.


Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are still unable to meet with parents face to face. 

However, if you would like to know more about your child’s progress, please contact your child’s teacher to organise a conversation on the phone.

If you have any further queries, please make an appointment to see Ms Tilbury (Rel Assistant Principal Year 1) or Mr Scally (K-2 Deputy Principal). Please be reassured teachers will contact you if there are any concerns or questions to support your child’s learning and wellbeing.

For this reason and in case of an emergency, we ask that you ensure your contact information is up to date at the office.

classroom req

We are very appreciative of your support in providing the items requested for your child’s classroom for 2021. If you are unsure of these items or need to clarify, please see the school website or the class teacher.  Please note, it is your child’s responsibility to look after their own equipment, including their hats, lunch boxes and water bottles.

Birthdays are a special time for children. This year, due to COVID restrictions, no food, treats or gifts will be distributed to students on your child’s birthday